September, 2014

Fokus pada Impian, Setia pada Proses, Bayar harga di Awal_ __Untukmu; Ayah, Ibu__ 090111/san

May 9, 2011

Educational Journal

Journal means a daily writing which is published periodically and people will do interested in it at that time. It means that the content of that journal is adjusted with the most actual at that time.
If we talk about educational journal, it means that the journal will talk about education itself. Now, there are many students in big university looking for this journal, especially they who focus in educational program. Here, I share the link that can help you to find  some journal that you need.

In this page, there will be 2 option. The free and buy one. Let's just take the free:)
I do hope that this will help you to do your work.
Good Luck!

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