September, 2014

Fokus pada Impian, Setia pada Proses, Bayar harga di Awal_ __Untukmu; Ayah, Ibu__ 090111/san

Feb 14, 2012

Discourse Analysis: Part 1

Discourse Analysis is a way of understanding social interaction. We can say that in this course we will learn about how to respond something no matter it is spoken and written language, or maybe mental process.

Firstly, we will analyze about spoken language. In this case, we are guided to understand what someone’s speaking that lead us to respond as the speaker’s aim. For examples:
-    Football’s fans is blaming various aspects of a player's motivation for the failure of their team.  
They will say, "he gets so much money, doesn't need to try", or "he looked as though he wasn't bothered", or "he didn't want the ball", and so on
-    A student wastes his money. His teacher says, “Do you know what do your parents eat today?”

Second, written language. This can be such as book, invitation card, announcement, job vacancy, newspaper, magazine, etc. All of them are meaningful as their purpose themselves for the reader. For examples:
-    A book about cooking recipe is very useful for them whose hobby is cooking, or maybe for mother in programming their menu at home.
-    Then, we have a job vacancy. Do not deny that we do need it so much. It will help jobless to find job appropriate to their skill that has been told in the job vacancy.
-    Red, green, and yellow on traffic line. We have known the meaning of those three color without any writing there, only symbol.
Symbol                       Meaning                                             Example
(.)                                 Short pause                             Jane: I think that (.) it's possible
…                                Interruption                             Driver: No, I haven't um…

The last, mental process. I strongly believe that we have a knowledge about gesture  or body language. Without any writing or speaking we can communicate by this way. For examples:
-       When the class is really crowded then the teacher put her/ his finger on her/ his lips, we can understand that she/ he asks the students to keep silent.
-       When you talk much with your friend and she hold her chin, it means that she feels bored. You have to discontinue your speaking.
In other case, mental process is also applied by them who cannot speak. So they do their communication by giving some sign languages.

From the explanation above, we can see that discourse analysis is not stand alone. Studying about this we  have to understand about semantics, pragmatics, syntax, and functional grammar. 


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