September, 2014

Fokus pada Impian, Setia pada Proses, Bayar harga di Awal_ __Untukmu; Ayah, Ibu__ 090111/san

Man Jadda wa Jadda. Zhelayu Uspekha!

"Dan apa saja yang diberikan kepada kamu, maka itu adalah kenikmatan hidup duniawi dan perhiasannya; sedang apa yang di sisi Allah adalah lebih baik dan lebih kekal. Maka apakah kamu tidak memahaminya?(QS. Al Qashash: 60)

Maka Nikmat Tuhanmu yang Manakah yang Kamu Dustakan?

QS. Ar Rahman: 13

Berkata Yusuf: "Jadikanlah aku bendaharawan negara (Mesir); sesungguhnya aku adalah orang yang pandai menjaga, lagi berpengetahuan. (QS. Yusuf: 55)

“Maka Bersabarlah Dengan Sabar Yang Baik, sesungguhnya mereka memandang siksaaan itu mustahil. Sedangkan Kami memandangnya mungkin terjadi. (Al-Maarij : 5-7)

“Hadapilah dengan senyuman. Selamat bahagia!

“Masalah Palestina bukan hanya masalah bangsa Palestina dan bangsa Arab saja. Tetapi masalah seluruh umat Islam, bahkan masalah kemanusiaan secara keseluruhan. Atas dasar pandangan aqidah inilah seluruh umat Islam wajib memahami kondisi dan permasalahan Palestina.

“Orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian, tidak akan meminta izin kepadamu untuk (tidak ikut) berjihad dengan harta dan diri mereka. Dan Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang bertakwa.”

(Q.S At Taubah: 44)

“Berkata Musa, ya Tuhanku, aku tidak menguasai kecuali diriku sendiri dan saudaraku. Sebab itu pisahkanlah antara aku dan orang-orang yang fasik itu."

Q.S Al Maidah; 25

““ Lailaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntum minadh dholimin “ Artinya : Tidak ada Tuhan Tuhan selain Engkau, Maha Suci Engkau sesungguhnya aku orang yang dholim "

(al anbiya;87)

““ Ya Tuhanku jadikanlah aku dan anak cucuku orang – orang yang tetap mendirikan sholat, ya Tuhanku perkenankanlah doaku , ya Tuhanku beri ampunlah aku dan kedua ibu bapaku dan seluruh orang mukmin, pada hari terjadinya hisab. "

Wanita adalah perhiasan. Dan sebaik- baik perhiasan adalah WANITA SHOLEHAH

HR. Muslim

"Sebagian dari kebaikan keislaman seseorang ialah meninggalkan sesuatu yang tidak berguna baginya."

HR. Tirmidzi

"Wanita yang didunianya solehah akan menjadi cahaya bagi keluarganya, melahirkan keturunan yang baik dan jika wafat di akhirat akan menjadi bidadari."

Wanita solehah merupakan penentram batin, menjadi penguat semangat berjuang suami, semangat ibadah suami. Suami yakin tidak akan dikhianati, kalau ditatap benar-benar menyejukkan qolbu, kalau berbicara tutur katanya menentramkan batin, tidak ada keraguan terhadap sikapnya.

Maka Nikmat Tuhanmu yang Manakah yang Kamu Dustakan?

QS. Ar Rahman: 13

Feb 28, 2011

Pengumuman pemenang perlombaan Pagelaran Seni Islam UKMI A r Rahman UNIMED 2011

Setelah melewati beberapa seleksi, akhirnya terpilihlah nama2 berikut yang dinobatkan sebagai pemenang dalam lomba PSI 2011.
1. Lomba Azan
a. SMP & SMA
- M. Salim
- Khairul Arifin
- Agil Antono

b. SD
- Khairul Walad
- M. Afif Hsb
- Fikri Rais Al- Rasyidi

2. Lomba Mewarnai
- M. Syahid Zidan
- M. Syauqi As- Syazali
- Tria Uswatun Hasanah

3. Sirah Nabi
- Asyila Silmi Amali
- Nabil Al- Hafidz

4. Tilawah Putra
a. Tilawah Putra
- Nasrullah Hidayat
- Mindo Riwono
- Khairul Arifin

b. Tilawah Putri
- Mufidah NZ
- Erni Ravita Sari
- Ummi Kasum

5. Festival Lagu Islami
- Ghazwul

6. Fahmil Qur’an
- Ismaini Sitompul
- Fauzan Amri
- Eka Azwin Lubis

7. Cipta Puisi
a. SMP & SMA
- Zihan Ulfa Sari
- Lasti Bako
- Tasya Nafieska

b. Mahasiswa
- Mariyam
- Mukhlis Al- Anshor
- Yuli Astri Nita LUbis

Semoga tetap semangat mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki sebagai wujud rasa syukur kepada Nya. Amin

Bagi yang belum berhasil, tetap semanngat. Akan ada banyak lagi ajang lain yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mengembangkan potensi. Keep spirit

Panitia Pelaksana PSI

Evaluasi Pagelaran Seni Islam UKMI Ar Rahman UNIMED 2011

Evaluasi dalam pengertiannya adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap sesuatu dengan harapan agar ada perbaikan ke depannya.

Evaluasi akan diadakan sebelum adanya laporan PertanggungJawaban, jadi perlu diadakan sesegera mungkin karena adanya keterkaitan antara satu seksi dengan seksi lainnya.
Sebenarnya apa sih urgensi dari evaluasi? Apakah tidak hanya menghabiskan waktu untuk mengumpulkan panitia dan semakin membuat meeka pusing?

Kita selaku kader dakwah mestinya paham betapa pentingnya evaluasi dilaksanakan. Ternyata, selesai acara bukan berarti tanggung jawab kita selesai. Malah di saat ini lah ternyata hal yang sangat rumit. Pertanggungjawaban kita. Amanah yang telah diberikan kepada kita sebagai panitia, atau tim sukses, atau steering committee, atau amanah lainnya dalam kesuksesan suatu acara harus dipertanggungjawabkan. Bukan hanya kepada ketua panitia, atau ketua umum, atau bahkan Pembina, tetapi juga kepada Rabb kita. Kita semua yakin dan paham benar bahwa segala sesuatunya akan dimintai pertanggungjawabannya.

Nah, itulah urgensi evaluasi. Kita akan saling intropeksi dan berupaya memperbaiki diri bersama dengan harapan kesalahan saat ini tidak aka nada lagi terulang di masa yang akan datang, di acara berikutnya. Bukankah orang beriman itu tidak melakukan kesilapan yang sama berulang kali??

Selain manfaat dalam hal intropeksi, kita juga akan merasakan keindahan ukhuwah dalam suatu jamaah lewat evaluasi. Kita akan semakin memahami saudara kita, mengetahui dimana titik- titik superioritasnya sehingga kita bisa menempatkan mereka sesuai dengan itu.

Melalui evaluasi, kita akan saling menguatkan dan memberi solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam proses pelaksanaan acara. Dengan demikian diharapkan semua kader dakwah mampu memaknai amanah yang diembannya dan menjalankan fungsinya semaksimal mungkin.

Berikut adalah beberapa evaluasi terkait dengan acara Pagelaran Seni Islam UKMI Ar Rahman 2011

- Kuantitas panitia yang terbilang banyak belum mampu memberikan kontribusi yang maksimal dimana jumlah panitia aktif lebih sedikit dari panitia pasif.
- Arahan yang kurang jelas dari Steering Committee kepada koorinator dan selanjutnya kepada staff. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak staff yang tidak mengerti apa yang seharusnya dikerjakan.
- Persiapan perlengkapan yang terkesan kurang menyebabkan kekurangnyamanan dalam hal registrasi ulang, fasilitas undangan, dll.
- Terlalu tingginya perencanaan yang dibuat tanpa memikirkan kemampuan baik dari segi materi, tenaga, maupun pikiran sehingga terjadi kesimpangsiuran di beberapa bidang.
- Ketidakjelasan akan beberapa persiapan di beberapa bidang sehingga meningkatkan angka pengeluaran tanpa ada hasil yang dicapai atau pemborosan dana.
- Publikasi yang tidak tersebar maksimal dan masih banyak yang tersisa hingga akhir acara.
- Ketidakjelasan penanggung jawab untuk beberapa bidang sehingga kinerjanya tidak berjalan lancar.
- Sosialisasi yang kurang kepada mahasiswa UNIMED maupun kampus lain.
- Persiapan yang kurang untuk big event seperti ini.
- Komunikasi yang kurang berjalan lancar antar sesama panitia sehingga banyak tugas yang terbengkalai.

Permasalahn yang dikemukakan di atas merupakan permasalahan klasik yang selalu hadir di setiap acara yang diadakan. untuk itu, berikut beberapa solusi yang dapat diberikan, dengan harapan semoga ini bisa bermanfaat minimal mengurangi permasalahan yang ada.

- Bangun Komunikasi yang baik
- Mengadakan syuro internal
- Persiapn yang matang adalah kunci kesuksesan suatu acara
- Menyusun kegiatan yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki. Logis.
- Sedikit mengutip syair Bung Rhoma: Hilangkan Gengsi!
Tidak masalah jika kita ingin membuat sesuatu yang berbeda, namun kita juga harus melihat kemampuan kita. Bukan karena kita gengsi dengan melihat acara dari kampus lain sehingga kita membuat sesuatu yang wah, sementara kemampuan kita belum sampai ke sana.
- Perbaiki hubungan dengan Allah. Bukan hal yang mustahil jika apa yang kita alami saat ini adalah akaibat dari hubungan kita dengan Rabb kita yang semakin merenggang.

Mungkin akibat sibuk di kepanitiaan, waktu yang kita betrikan untuk tilawa semakin berkurang, shalat yang disibukkan dengan pikiran2 yang tidak seharusnya kita bawa, dan zikir yang semakin minim akibat disibukan oleh berbagai percakapan seputar acara yang sebenarnya tidak perlu diulang beberapa kali.

Dan satu lagi, mungkin saja akibat hubungan kita dengan saudara kita yang semakin meretak. Sepanjang perjalanan kepanitiaan mungkin ada beebrapa hal yang menyebabkan rasa sakit hati yang tidak disengaja dan saudara kita memendamnya. Mungkin akibat kurangnya waktu yang kita berikan kepada mereka akibat kesibukan kita, atau malah karena kita tidak peduli dengan mereka karena amanah yang kita emban.

Oleh karena itu, evaluasi yang telah dilaksanakan hari ini walau dengan jumlah panitia yang sangat minim, insya Allah bisa memberikan pencerahan dan perbaikan untuk acara ke depannya. Artinya, memang perlu selalu berbenah diri. Continuous Improvement! (01/03san)

*LPJ masing2 Sie dikumpulkan pada saat syuro LPJ hari Kamis, 03 Maret 2011 ba’da asar di msjid Kampus.
Semoga bisa bekerjasama di kepanitiaan berikutnya dengan kondisi lebih baik.
Afwan minkum.
Jazakumullah khairan katsiran kepada semua organizing Committee maupun steering committee. Semoga kelak berbuah manis. Amin

5 Amazing Places in Indonesia

Have you ever been to Indonesia? Well, if any of you never going to travel to Indonesia yet so you should try to visit Indonesia because there are so many beautiful places you can find. Not only beautiful of the place also the people are very nice. The cultural is unique too, so these are the reasons of Indonesia. When you start for planning to vacation traveling to another countries why you don't choose Indonesia become one of your target. I think that is the right choice and here the most beautiful places in Indonesia you can find :

1. Lombok
Lombok Island is located near Bali, actually in the east of Bali island. It's easy to go by air or by sea. Maybe this island is near Bali so the cultural of the people is not different. They have unique cultural tradition and the people are friendly.
Lombok is one of great island in Indonesia after Bali. Like Bali you can find many beautiful places in Lombok such as amazing beaches, outstanding waterfalls, golf park, little islands around and many others. So Lombok is the best choice for travelling.

2. Bali
Bali Island the most beautiful island in Indonesia even in the world. Many thousand tourist from everywhere visit bali every years. They come to Bali to see the beautiful and the unique cultural tradition of the citizen. Most of tourist say that bali is the most beautiful island they ever visiting and the people are very friendly.
The most famous place in Bali is Kuta Beach. This is the long white sandy beach and the sea is best place for surfing. Now you can also enjoy trip in Bali by cruises. Many cruises you can choose like The Lembongan Island Reef Cruise, the Beach Club Cruise, the Sunset Dinner Cruise, the spectacular trip aboard Aristocat, the Ocean Rafting 3 Island Cruise and Dolphin Cruise. You can also enjoy diving with Odissey Submarine.
So many other amazing places you can search in Bali. And the trip to bali is unforgotten experience for many people.

3. Bunaken
Bunaken National Marine Park is one of the first marine park in Indonesia. It is located in North Sulawesi and established in 1991. The park is contain of five island, there are Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Nain and Siladen. As the name the beautiful of this place is under the sea. You can see many sea creatures such as corals, fish, echinoderms or sponges.
In Bunaken you can find that this place is harbor of some of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. There are big number of families and species of sea creatures are in Bunaken. So for the tourists who like diving, this is the right place for you.

4. Borobudur
Borobudur is one of the biggest Buddist Temple in the world. It was build in the 9th century. It is located in Magelang, Central Java. It is easy to find this place because it is near from Yogyakarta. The temple is very high. If you like to journey to ancient monument, Borobudur is best choice for you.

5. Lake Toba
Lake Toba is one of the biggest and most famous lake in Indonesia. The place is beautiful and located in North Sumatra. One of the unique of this lake, there is a island in the center of the lake. Name is Samosir. The people has unique cultural tradition too. If you like quiet situation and far from the city noise so this is the right place for relaxing.

Feb 26, 2011

A Good Teacher

The Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Teacher
• Good teachers treat their students with respect
• Good teachers don't have double standards
• Good teachers are honest
• Good teachers give their students a lot of choice in their assignments
• Good teachers have creative ways of presenting class
• Good teachers get to know their students individually
• Good teachers stand up for their students
• Good teachers let students listen to music (with headphones on!)
• Good teachers don't give much or any homework
How to gain the respect of your students & make classes interesting
This guide is basically divided into two sections - how to earn the respect of your students, and how to make your classes interesting.
How to earn the respect of your students
There seems to be a common misconception among teachers that being respected by your students means that they "shut up and do everything you command". You could probably do it this way if you want, but I assure you, your students will despise your class.

The basic first step to earn their respect is to simply be nice to them. Now, this doesn't mean you should let them walk all over you, but it does mean you shouldn't walk all over them either. You will need to attain some sort of balance. First of all, if you are having a bad day (as we all do from time to time), the best would be to tell your class, so that they can be careful to not aggravate you. That of course doesn't mean someone won't annoy you, but if this happens then at least an angry outburst from you won't be completely unexpected, and since you announced it to begin with, the others should be more likely to accept your apology if you took it out on someone undeserving. Also accept that some of your students may be having a bad day as well, and treat them the way you would want to be treated in such a situation.

Encourage your students to call you by your first name instead of Mr/Mrs etc. This creates a more friendly atmosphere and helps to do away with the idea that you're an authority figure over them, and will encourage them to be more open and friendly with you.

Try to get to know your students individually. Get to know what they like/dislike, their ideas and needs. This can be a lot of work, especially if you teach at a large school, but if you can grade all that homework and keep track of who the good/bad kids are, you should be able to remember a few personal traits as well.

Be honest with your students. Especially when they ask things like "When will I ever use this in real life?". One thing a lot of kids hate is when teachers tell them that it's important to know things like the formula for a parabola. Most people will never use that knowledge again.

Grade things on time. Just as you would expect your students to hand projects in on time, you should set the example by being timely yourself. If you don't grade things on time, then be sure to give your students the same leeway as well.

Don't censor yourself too much. Most students actually like a teacher that swears a little every now and then. On the other hand, don't attempt slang unless you're totally comfortable with it.

Stand up for your students. If you see them being pushed around or bullied by other students or teachers, try to end the conflict, or at least tell the attacker to calm down.

Also, for male teachers: girls occasionally have something called a "period". It means they have to use the restroom more frequently, and females greatly appreciate the allowance of restroom use to "fix themselves up".

Once you've earned the respect of your students, be sure to keep it! Make jokes, fool around a bit when the time is right - try to keep it casual.
How to make your classes interesting
Whenever possible, give your students choices as to what they would like to do and how they want to do it. For example, after covering a section of work, ask them if they'd rather write a test, have a discussion or do a worksheet on it. You could even divide the class according to what they'd rather do, and let them do that. This also counts for projects and papers. Try to avoid giving the whole class the same topic, unless you have to. Even then try to give them as much leeway as possible.

Try to come up with other ways of presenting things instead of sticking to lesson plans or text books. If you just stand in the front and lecture the whole time, the chances of anyone paying attention are slim.

Also, don't be too eager to offer help to a student, but do make it clear that if they want help they should ask. Some kids like to figure things out for themselves, while others prefer to be told how to do it.

Don't place too much emphasis on keeping your class quiet. Some students will want to help each other or work together, this is a good thing. In fact, don't be the only one talking. Encourage discussion. Let your students interrupt you from time to time to discuss a point. Don't worry if you end up straying off the point a little, just try to keep track of where you were and don't let it go too far. Allow students to move around and sit next to a friend, as long as they do all their work and don't cause major disruptions.

Don't worry about drinks or food in class as long as the class stays clean. If someone makes a mess, they should clean it up themselves right then and there.

Some people work faster and better if there is music. Since not everyone has the same taste in music, allow your students to listen to whatever they like with headphones on, as long as it's not too loud.

Let students start their homework in your class. This way it becomes more like classwork, and whatever isn't finished by the end of class becomes homework. This way whoever works quickly in class doesn't get homework. The other benefit of this is that you are still there to help them, should they need something explained. I have heard so many complaints by kids who sat up all night trying to finish some math homework that they didn't understand how to do in the first place. Also, be lenient - ask your students if they've already received homework for other classes, and how much of it. If they already have a lot, don't give more. The best option would be to just never give any homework, unless the subject in question is something like math where practice is needed.

With regard to assignments, try to work out due dates with other teachers so that students don't get overworked with assignments on different subjects all at the same time.

Age Characteristics of Young Learners

The Eighteen-Month-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• Walks, climbs, crawls, and runs. Enjoys pushing and pulling things. Is able to take things apart more easily than he or she can put them together. Is uncoordinated. Tires easily. Is usually not toilet trained.
• Makes many sounds. Has developing language skills. Uses one-word phrases, particularly “mine” and “no.” Gathers knowledge through sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Understands more than he or she can express.
• Enjoys playing alongside other children, but often does not interact with them. Has difficulty sharing.
• Cries easily, but emotions change quickly.

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• • Vary activities to keep the child’s interest. Use activities that involve walking, pushing, and pulling. Use finger plays and musical activities.
• • Provide many opportunities for talking and participation. Use visuals with stories. Provide objects the child can move and experiment with, such as stacking toys, simple puzzles, dolls, and figures of people and animals.

The Two-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• Is very active. Jumps, walks, and runs. Can clap hands and kick a ball. Can handle small objects, but cannot button or zip clothing or care for himself or herself in other ways. Gets irritable and restless when tired.
• Is able to put two or three words together in a sentence. Says “no” often, even when he or she does not mean it. Has simple, direct thoughts. Cannot reason. Can make simple choices. Enjoys repetition. Has a short attention span (two or three minutes). Is curious. Moves from one activity to another. Likes simple toys, art materials, books, short stories, and music activities.
• Likes to play alone. Is developing an interest in playing with others, but is usually more interested in playing near them than with them. Often argues over toys. Has difficulty sharing and cooperating. Asks adults for things he or she wants from another child.
• Is loving and affectionate. Enjoys sitting on laps and holding hands. Likes to be close to his or her mother. Uses emotional outbursts to express emotions, to get what he or she wants, and to show anger and frustration. Has moods that change quickly. Likes independence.

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• Use activities such as finger plays and those that use music. Provide activities such as beanbag tossing, marching, and jumping. Avoid activities that require skill and coordination, such as cutting and pasting.
• Keep discussions simple. Help the child participate. Use repetition. Do not leave the child alone; children this age can easily get themselves into unsafe situations. Provide opportunities for the child to make choices.
• Provide opportunities for the child to interact with others, but do not pressure the child to do so. Offer the choice to participate in activities. Provide warm, caring direction. Redirect misbehavior.
• Encourage the child to be self-sufficient, but provide help when necessary. Allow the child to practice making choices.

The Three-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• Walks and runs, but is still uncoordinated. Likes doing things with his or her hands but does them awkwardly.
• Has more language skills. Likes to talk and learn new words. Has a short attention span. Is curious and inquisitive. Often misunderstands and makes comments that seem off the subject. Enjoys pretending. Likes finger plays, stories, and musical activities. Is unable to distinguish fantasy from reality.
• Enjoys working alone. Does not engage in much cooperative play with others, but likes to have friends around. Is self-centered. Has difficulty sharing. Prefers to be close to adults, particularly family, because they provide security.
• Wants to please adults. Needs their approval, love, and praise. Strikes out emotionally when afraid or anxious. Cries easily. Is sensitive to others’ feelings. Is developing some independence. Has intense, short-lived emotions.
• Is interested in simple concepts, such as….(everybody eats bread?)

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• Use simple activities such as pasting, molding clay, and coloring. Avoid activities that require refined skills and coordination, such as tying or cutting. Be prepared to clean up messes.
• Teach ideas in a simple, clear way. Use summaries and visual materials to reinforce ideas. Encourage questions and responses to the discussion, but have the child take turns with other children. Use a variety of teaching methods such as stories, songs, discussions, dramatizations, finger plays, and simple games. Alternate between quiet and lively activities.
• Show approval and confidence in the child. Avoid criticism. Help the child understand others’ feelings and solve conflicts. Encourage the child to be self-sufficient.

The Four-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• Is very active. Moves quickly. Likes to skip, jump, race, climb, and throw.
• Enjoys talking and learning new words. Asks many questions. Is able to reason a little, but still has many misconceptions. Has trouble separating fact from fantasy. Has a short attention span. Uses artwork to express feelings. Enjoys pretending and role playing.
• Plays more cooperatively with others. Is sometimes physically aggressive, bossy, impolite, and stubborn, but can also be friendly. Is learning to share, accept rules, and take turns. Responds to sincere praise.
• Often tests people’s limits. Is boastful, especially about self and family. May be agreeable one moment and quarrelsome the next. Has more self-confidence. May have fears and feelings of insecurity.
• Is becoming aware of right and wrong, and usually desires to do right. May blame others for his or her wrongdoing.

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• Alternate between quiet and lively activities. Model appropriate ways to express emotions.
• Use discussions and activities that will encourage thinking, such as simple riddles and guessing games. Clarify misunderstandings. Use pictures, objects, and actual experiences. Introduce new words. Have the child draw pictures that relate to lessons. Accept and encourage the child’s creative efforts. Allow the child to explore his or her surroundings. Use role-playing activities.
• Provide opportunities for the child to play and work cooperatively with others. Teach kindness, patience, and politeness. Help the child follow simple rules such as taking turns.
• Establish and firmly follow limits.

The Five-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child
• Is very active. Has a good sense of balance, and is becoming more coordinated. Can kick a ball, walk in a straight line, hop, skip, and march. Enjoys drawing, coloring, and participating in activities and games. Is learning to lace and tie shoes and button and zip clothing.
• Recognizes some letters, numbers, and words. Likes to pretend to read and write. May be learning to read. Is talkative. Asks questions, makes comments, and gives answers that show increased understanding. Is good at problem solving. Is curious and eager for facts. Is beginning to distinguish truth from fantasy. Has a short but increasing attention span.
Likes definite tasks. Enjoys jokes and tricks, but cannot laugh at himself or herself. Likes stories, singing, poetry, and dramatizations.
• Is friendly and eager to please and cooperate. Is beginning to prefer being in small groups of children, but may prefer a best friend. Creates less conflict in group play. Is beginning to want to conform, and is critical of those who do not. Is beginning to understand rules, but often tries to change them for his or her benefit.
• Centers interests on home and family. Is affectionate toward adults, and wants to please them. Gets embarrassed easily, especially by his or her own mistakes.
• Wants to be good. Is learning the difference between right and wrong. Sometimes tells untruths or blames others for his or her own wrongdoings because of an intense desire to please adults and do what is right.

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• Engage the child in physical activities. Use simple games and other activities. Allow the child to cut and paste and to put puzzles together. Allow for independence. Express confidence in the child. Accept and encourage the child’s efforts.
• Allow the child to talk and ask questions. Allow him or her to read simple words and phrases. Use wordstrips for simple words. Assign simple tasks and responsibilities. Use drawing activities, true-to-life stories, and visual materials. Vary activities, using pictures, games, songs, and discussions. Use problem-solving activities such as riddles and discussion questions. Allow the child to pretend, dramatize, and use puppets. Laugh with the child.
• Help the child learn the value of individual differences.
• Frequently teach the value and importance of the family. Give the child an opportunity to share feelings about his or her family. Give specific praise for positive behavior. Avoid activities or expressions that might embarrass the child.
• Model appropriate behavior. Do not be shocked if the child says something that is untrue or inappropriate.

The Six-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• Is very active. Is often noisy, restless, and exuberant. Likes to participate in activities and perform small tasks, though they still may be difficult to do. Dislikes being a spectator.
• Needs concepts taught in concrete ways. Has improving memory. Is talkative, and asks many questions. Is learning to make decisions, but often is indecisive. Has an increasing attention span. Likes reading, writing, singing, hearing stories, and pretending.
• Is more interested in group activities and interacting with playmates, but is still self-centered. Is sometimes bossy, aggressive, and unkind to peers. Is concerned with how others treat him or her. Is eager for social approval.
• Is boastful. Exaggerates and criticizes. Is easily excited, silly, and giggly. Can be generous, affectionate, and compatible, but mood can change easily.

• Is concerned with good and bad behavior, particularly as it affects family and friends. Sometimes blames others for wrongdoings. Likes scripture stories, especially those about Jesus.

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• Be patient with the child’s abundant energy and restlessness. Use activities such as writing, coloring, cutting, pasting, and molding clay. Use games that allow the child to use his or her energy.
• Use problem-solving activities such as riddles, reviews, and open-ended stories. Use pictures, flannel cutouts, and other visual materials. Introduce new words. Ask questions. Allow the child to make decisions. Discuss the importance of choosing the right, and allow the child to practice making decisions with limited choices. Provide opportunities for reading, writing, singing, hearing stories, and role playing.
• Encourage sharing and participation with others. Provide opportunities for group activities. Give specific praise and approval.
• Praise the child’s specific efforts so he or she feels less need to boast. Praise honesty. Do not criticize. Laugh with him or her, but do not laugh at him or her.

The Seven-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• • Has better muscular control. Is developing interest and skills in certain games, hobbies, and activities. Gets restless and fidgety. Has nervous habits, and sometimes assumes awkward positions. Is full of energy, but tires easily.
• • Is eager to learn. Thinks seriously and more logically. Is able to solve problems that are more complex. Likes to be challenged, work hard, and take time completing a task. Has a good attention span. Enjoys hobbies and using skills. Likes to collect things and talk about personal projects and accomplishments.
• • Often plays in groups, but sometimes likes to be alone and play quietly. Interacts little with the opposite sex. Is eager to be like peers and have their approval. Is less domineering and less determined to have his or her own way. Likes more responsibility and independence. Is often worried about not doing well.
• • Dislikes criticism. Is more sensitive to his or her own feelings and those of other people. Is often a perfectionist, and tends to be self-critical. Is inhibited and cautious. Is less impulsive and self-centered than at earlier stages.
• • Is aware of right and wrong.

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• Use activities that allow the child to use his or her energy. Be patient with annoyances and restlessness, and do not draw attention to awkwardness. Use varied techniques to help maintain the child’s interest and prevent misbehavior. Compliment good behavior.

• Ask thought-provoking questions. Use open-ended stories, riddles, thinking games, and discussions to stimulate thinking. Allow the child to make decisions. Give him or her plenty of time to accomplish tasks. Encourage the child to pursue hobbies and interests. Provide opportunities to read wordstrips and stories. Use stories and situations that deal with reality rather than fiction.
• Use activities that require group play, such as games and dramatizations, but respect the child’s desire to work alone occasionally. Do not force interaction with the opposite sex. Praise him or her for positive behavior such as taking turns and sharing. Give the child responsibilities and tasks that he or she can carry out, and then praise efforts and accomplishments.
• Encourage concern for others. Build confidence. Instead of criticizing, look for opportunities to show approval and affection. Accept moods and aloofness. Encourage the child to express his or her feelings.

The Eight-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• Is becoming more coordinated. Wiggles and squirms. Has nervous habits. Plays organized games that require physical skill. Has a good attention span. Wants to be included.
• Wants to know the reasons for things. Is anxious to share his or her knowledge. Thinks he or she knows much, but is beginning to recognize that others may know even more. Is judgmental. Has heroes. Enjoys writing, reading, and pretending.
• Enjoys group play with simple rules. Prefers to be with own gender in group play. Is more cooperative and less insistent on having his or her own way. Wants to have a best friend. Has a strong need for independence, but also relies on adults for guidance and security.
• Is usually affectionate, helpful, cheerful, outgoing, and curious, but can also be rude, selfish, bossy, and demanding. Is sensitive to criticism. Criticizes self and others. Is sometimes giggly and silly. Experiences guilt and shame.

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• Use activities that require coordination and allow the child to use his or her energy. Be patient with clumsiness, unpleasant habits, and squirming. Alternate quiet and active periods. Praise good behavior.
• Use games, stories, pictures, and problem-solving activities to encourage learning. Use reading, writing, and role playing. Encourage the child to be more concerned about his or her own behavior than that of others.
• Provide opportunities for group interaction, cooperation, and sharing. Supervise activities closely. Praise the child for positive behavior.
• Show interest and enthusiasm. Praise and build self-confidence; do not criticize or compare the child with other children. Recognize the child’s efforts and accomplishments. Let the child enjoy humor when appropriate, and be patient with giggling.

The Nine-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• Enjoys team games. Has good body control. Is interested in developing strength, skill, and speed. Likes more complicated crafts and handwork.
• Is able to remain interested in subjects or activities for a longer period of time. Seeks facts; does not enjoy much fantasy. Likes memorization. Has definite interests and curiosity. Likes reading, writing, and keeping records. Is interested in the community and other cultures and peoples. Enjoys learning about the past and the present. Likes to collect things.
• Enjoys being with groups of people of the same gender. Likes group adventures and cooperative play, but also likes competition. Tests authority and exercises independence. Spends much time with friends.
• Has some behavior problems, especially if he or she is not accepted by others. Is becoming very independent, dependable, and trustworthy. Is concerned about being fair, and argues over fairness. Is better able to accept his or her own failures and mistakes and take responsibility for personal actions. Is sometimes silly.

• Is well aware of right and wrong. Wants to do right, but sometimes rebels.
Suggestions for Parents and Teachers
• Provide a variety of activities, including team games, to sustain interest and help the child develop skills.
• Give specific information and facts rather than fantasy. Do not give all the answers; allow the child time to think about and discuss answers. Encourage him or her to memorize quotations and scriptures. Respect individual differences when making assignments and giving responsibilities. Provide opportunities for reading, writing, and record keeping. Teach about other people and cultures and about history.
• Recognize the child’s need for peer acceptance. Establish and maintain reasonable limits, but allow for independence.

The Ten- or Eleven-Year-Old
Characteristics of the Child

• May be experiencing rapid growth. Enjoys sports that require strength, speed, and skill. Has periods of playing, pushing, wrestling, poking, and giggling. Is restless, active, and impatient. May differ from peers in physical size and coordination. Does not like to be treated like a child. Is concerned about physical appearance.

• Enjoys abstract concepts and ideas. Makes conclusions based on prior learning. Likes to be challenged in mental tasks. Is decisive and reasonable. Enjoys memorization. Likes to set goals. Thinks more logically. Enjoys learning. Has a good attention span. Understands more precisely the meanings of words, and can define abstract terms. Has humor that may seem ridiculous to adults.
• Is social and competitive. Possesses strong loyalty to groups. Has much positive and negative interaction with peers. Has friendships that are more complex and intense. Relies on best friends. Values peers’ opinions and standards more highly than those of adults. Is sometimes critical of adults’ judgments and of others’ feelings. Likes to tease or play roughly. Is sometimes rude and uncooperative, and at other times is friendly and cooperative.
• Is critical of self and resentful of others’ criticism. May feel that everything he or she does is wrong, especially if criticized. Has worries and fears about school and friends. Is very sensitive, especially about self. Has doubts and insecurities. Is sometimes touchy and irritable, and is very conscious of being treated fairly. Is able to be polite, serious, honest, and sincere. Desires to be independent and have responsibilities.
• Has a strong moral sense and conscience. Is interested in self-improvement. Does not like to admit when he or she has behaved badly. Is ready to learn more about the doctrines of the gospel.

Suggestions for Parents and Teachers

• Recognize that he or she is growing and maturing. Do not force interaction with the opposite sex. Provide opportunities for him or her to participate in physical activities that provide outlets for his or her energy. Give little attention to minor misbehavior. Teach fairness and the value of participating in activities. Show interest in his or her life. Value individual differences.
• Stimulate thinking by using questions, stories, memorization, problem-solving activities, and discussions. Allow him or her to make decisions and set goals. Use new words, and allow him or her to define and explain their meanings. Use visuals, stories, and games.
• Respond to the need to belong to groups and be influenced by them. Provide activities that allow interaction with peers. Encourage group planning and group work. Teach him or her to be sensitive to those who are not accepted by others. Give responsibilities and assignments, and help ensure follow-through. Use examples and lessons to teach sensitivity and kindness. Praise courtesy, unselfishness, loyalty, and friendliness.
• Do not compare him or her to others. Encourage him or her, and praise accomplishments. Show confidence in him or her as an individual. Reinforce positive behavior, and try to ignore negative acts of small consequence. Allow for independence and expression of personal feelings. Try to understand his or her worries and what makes him or her unhappy.

10 Characteristics of successful Entrepreneurs

Running a one-person business is a creative, flexible and challenging way to become your own boss and chart your own future. It is about creating a life, as it is about making a living. It takes courage, determination and foresight to decide to become an entrepreneur. From the relatively safe cocoon of the corporate world, where paychecks arrive regularly, you will be venturing into the unchartered territories of business.
Is there a way to determine whether you can be a successful entrepreneur, or you are better off to work for somebody else? Alas, there is no formula for success. However, most successful entrepreneurs share these ten characteristics. Check if you possess any one of them:

1. Think success. To attain the kind of success that you want, you need to dream big. Every success story starts with big dreams. You need to have big dreams for yourself - which you want to be somebody rich, famous or fulfilled. You need to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. But it doesn't stop in dreaming alone. You should actively visualize success in your mind that you can almost feel it, touch it or it is within your reach. Play this image back at every opportunity. What does it feel to triple your current income? How will your life change? What will your business look like if you achieved the million-dollar mark?
Successful entrepreneurs possess an attitude of openness and faith that you can have what you want if you can simply envision it as the first step on the path of action to acquiring it. Management gurus have taught us the power of visualization - seeing yourself in your mind as having accomplished your dreams. If you want to be a successful writer, envision yourself signing books for a throng of people who have lined up to have your autograph. If you want to be rich, picture yourself in luxurious surroundings holding a fat bank account. And the process of envisioning success for you should be a constant activity! You need to think that you are successful (or will be one) every single waking hour. A personal development coach shared me her secret to help her continuously visualize her goals for the moment: when climbing stairs, recite your goal with every step you take. So if you want more money, say "I will have money" in every step of the stairs. This technique will reinforce your goal and keep it fresh in your consciousness.

2. Be passionate with what you do. You start a business to change any or all part of your life. To attain this change, you need to develop or uncover an intense, personal passion to change the way things are and to live life to the fullest. Success comes easily if you love what you do. Why? Because we are more relentless in our pursuit of goals about things that we love. If you hate your job right now, do you think you will ever be successful at it? Not in a million years! You may plod along, even become competent at the tasks, but you will never be a great success at it. You will achieve peak performance and do what you have to do to succeed only if you are doing something that interests you or something that you care about. Entrepreneurs who succeed do not mind the fact that they are putting in 15 or 18 hours a day to their business because they absolutely love what they do. Success in business is all about patience and hard work, which can only be attained if you are passionate and crazy with your tasks and activities.

3. Focus on your strengths. Let's face it; you cannot be everything to everybody. Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. To be effective, you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on it. You will become more successful if you are able to channel your efforts to areas that you do best. In business, for example, if you know you have good marketing instincts, then harness this strength and make full use of it. Seek help or assistance in areas that you may be poor at, such as accounting or bookkeeping. To transform your weakness to strength, consider taking hands-on learning or formal training.

4. Never consider the possibility of failure. Ayn Rand, in her novel The Fountainhead, wrote, "It is not in the nature of man - nor of any living entity, to start out by giving up." As an entrepreneur, you need to fully believe in your goals, and that you can do it. Think that what you are doing will contribute to the betterment of your environment and your personal self. You should have a strong faith in your idea, your capabilities and yourself. You must believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the ability to recognize and fulfill them. The more you can develop faith in your ability to achieve your goals, the more rapidly you can attain it. However, your confidence should be balanced with calculated risks that you need to take to achieve greater rewards. Successful entrepreneurs are those who analyze and minimize risk in the pursuit of profit. As they always say, "no guts, no glory."

5. Plan accordingly. You have a vision, and you have enough faith in yourself to believe that you can achieve your vision. But do you know how to get to your vision? To achieve your vision, you need to have concrete goals that will provide the stepping-stone towards your ultimate vision. Put your goals in writing; not doing so just makes them as intangible fantasies. You need to plan each day in such a way that your every action contributes to the attainment of your vision. Do you foresee yourself as the next Martha Stewart of hand-made home furnishings? Perhaps today, you need to see an artist to help you conceptualize the new line of hand-made linens that you hope to launch. Intense goal orientation is the characteristic of every successful entrepreneur. They have a vision, and they know how to get there. Your ability to set goals and make plans for your accomplishment is the skill required to succeed. Plan, plan and plan - because without which failure is guaranteed.

6. Work hard! Every successful entrepreneur works hard, hard and hard. No one achieves success just by sitting and staring at the wall every single day. Brian Tracy puts it out this way, "You work eight hours per day for survival; everything over eight hours per day is for success." Ask any successful businessperson and they will tell you immediately that they had to work more than 60 hours per week at the start of their businesses. Be prepared to say goodbye to after-office drinks every day, or a regular weekend get-away trip. If you are in a start-up phase, you will have to breathe, eat and drink your business until it can stand on its own. Working hard will be easy if you have a vision, clear goals, and are passionate with what you do.

7. Constantly Look for Ways to Network. In business, you are judged by the company you keep - from your management team, board of directors, and strategic partners. Businesses always need assistance, more so small businesses. Maybe the lady you met in a trade association meeting can help you secure funding, or the gentleman at a conference can provide you with management advise. It is important to form alliances with people who can help you, and whom you can help in return. To succeed in business, you need to possess good networking skills and always be alert to opportunities to expand your contacts.

8. Willingness to Learn. You do not need to be a MBA degree holder or PhD graduate to succeed in your own business. In fact, there are a lot of entrepreneurs who did not even finish secondary education. Studies show that most self-made millionaires have average intelligence. Nonetheless, these people reached their full potentials achieved their financial and personal goals in business because they are willing to learn. To succeed, you must be willing to ask questions, remain curious, interested and open to new knowledge. This willingness to learn becomes more crucial given the rapid changes in technologies and ways of doing business.

9. Persevere and have faith. No one said that the road to success is easy. Despite your good intentions and hard work, sometimes you will fail. Some successful entrepreneurs suffered setbacks and resounding defeats, even bankruptcy, yet managed to quickly stand up to make it big in their fields. Your courage to persist in the face of adversity and ability to bounce back after a temporary disappointment will assure your success. You must learn to pick yourself up and start all over again. Your persistence is the measure of the belief in yourself. Remember, if you persevere, nothing can stop you.

10. Discipline yourself. Thomas Huxley once said, "Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you like it or not." Self-discipline is the key to success. The strength of will to force yourself to pay the price of success - doing what others don't like to do, going the extra mile, fighting and winning the lonely battle with yourself.

Feb 24, 2011

Cara Membuat Banner dan Logo Blog

Bagi yg bisa program photoshop, membuat banner dan badge/chicklet itu mudah. Bagi yg agak males latihan otak-atik photoshop seperti saya tidak usah kuatir. Di internet banyak penyedia program pembuat chicklet dan banner online secara gratis dan instan. Sebagai pembuka, logo atau chicklet adalah banner kecil yg biasa buat link-button seperti yg di sidebar blog saya. Sementara banner ukurannya lebih besar dan biasa ditaruh di header blog/website. Ikuti panduan buat logo/chicklet/banner berikut:

A. Cara Membuat Chicklet

1. Kunjungi

2. Di LEFT-BLOCK (bagian kiri atas) ada menu “Text”, ganti tulisan “w3c” sesuai dg yg Anda inginkan. Contoh, tulis Blog;

3. Di RIGHT-BLOCK (bagian kanan atas) ada menu “Text”, ganti tulisan “xhtml” dg yg sesuai dg keinginan Anda, contoh, “Tutorial”

4. Di GENERATE-BUTTON (bagian kanan bawah) klik tulisan Generate Button. Maka akan muncul chicklet seperti ini:

5. Nah, arahkan mouse ke gambar, klik kanan –> save picture as –> kasih nama file (contoh: blog-tutorial –> save di komputer Anda.

6. Setelah di saving di komputer, masukkan / upload gambar chicklet tsb di situs online seperti Dalam kasus ini, gambar disimpan di jadi alamat chicklet gambar tsb. adalah blog-tutorial.gif

Note: Apabila belum daftar di, Anda tinggal kunjungi alamat URL and login dengan account gmail Anda.

7. Setelah tersimpan secara online, Anda bisa gunakan sesuai kebutuhan Anda seperti untuk linkbutton tukar link dg teman-teman blogger lain, atau sekedar buat pajangan di sidebar.

Tip: bentuk font dan background warna dapat dirubah sesuai selera. Tinggal klik menu “color” dan “background” di situs di atas.

B. Cara Buat Banner Online

1. Kunjungi situs
2. Klik menu DESIGN A LOGO (bagian atas).
3. Di menu CHOOSE A LOGO DESIGN pilih gambar yg Anda suka, contoh, klik EMBOSSED.
4. Di menu LOGO TEXT saya tulis “Blog Tutorial”
5. Klik menu RENDER LOGO DESIGN (bagian paling bawah).
6. Save ke komputer (caranya, klik kanan gambar tersebut –>save picture as –>kasih nama file )

7. Setelah itu upload ke milik Anda. (lihat poin A.5 dan A.6).

Catatan: Mengupload image / gambar logo atau banner tentu saja tidak harus di, bagi pengguna Anda bisa juga menguploadnya di, di bagi pengguna blogspot, atau di mana saja hosting online gratis.

Feb 23, 2011

Tawazunitas Trilogi Dakwah Kampus Mewujudkan Dakwah Kampus Profesional dan Bergengsi

By: Nurhasanah Sidabalok
Untuk memenuhi prasyarat mengikuti DAUN III UKMI Ar Rahman

Dakwah Kampus adalah dakwah yang dilakukan secara umum dengan aktivitas terbuka dalam lingkup perguruan tinggi. Dalam sejarahnya, aktivis dakwah kampus atau mahasiswa yang menjadi aktivis dakwah di kampus (biasa disingkat dengan ADK) memiliki peran yang terkait dengan peran dasar mahasiswa, yakni agen perubahan, kontrol sosial dan cadangan SDM. ADK, sebagaimana mahasiswa lainnya, adalah unsur yang penting dalam perubahan. Bedanya, ADK akan menjadi pelaku atau subjek perubahan dengan dakwah sebagai panglimanya. ADK sebagai pelaku kontrol social adalah peran dimana seorang mahasiswa bisa menjadi katalisator dalam perubahan sosial di masyarakatnya. Sedangkan ADK sebagai cadangan SDM atau orang lebih mengenal dengan sebutan iron stock bermakna seluruh potensi yang ada dalam diri seorang ADK akan lebih berguna sebagai aset SDM dalam kompone dakwah di masa yang akan datang, maka disebut dengan istilah “Cadangan” yang berarti ADK adalah kekuatan di masa depan, yakni masa pascakampus, masa dimana lulusan perguruan tinggi akan mengisi ruang-ruang dan sendi-sendi dalam masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Peran ADK sebagai mahasiswa sangat terkait dengan trilogy dakwah kampus.

Kita mengenal dalam dakwah kampus ada tiga sayap, yakni sayap dakwiyah, siyasiyah dan ilmiyyah. Sayap dakwiyyah atau syiar adalah lini pertama dan utama, yang menjadi perintis dalam dakwah kampus. Lajnah ini identik dengan kajian keIslaman, taklim, dauroh, dan tentunya payung yang bernama lembaga dakwah kampus. Sayap kedua adalah sayap siyasi, yakni sosial kemasyarakatan. Yang termasuk disini adalah amal islami dalam bentuk bakti sosial, aktif di organisasi mahasiswa seperti BEM, Legislatif Mahasiswa dll. Terakhir adalah lini ilmiyyah, yakni sayap akademis dan skill keterampilan (fanniyah) Idealnya, ketiga lini diatas harus berjalan secara seimbang (tawazun). Jikalau ada lini yang mendominasi dalam suatu kurun dan kampus tertentu, diharapkan tidak boleh meninggalkan atau mengeliminasi lini lainnya. Sehingga harapannya, ADK akan menjadi pesona pribadi yang seimbang, atau ADK Tawazun. Dia adalah ADK yang menjadi rujukan dalam hal wawasan keIslaman yang dibuktikan dengan menjadi mentor atau murobbi bagi adik- adik kelasnya, hafal minimal 1-2 juz, cakap sebagai khotib dan penceramah taklim. Dalam waktu yang sama dia tidak gagap ketika ditanya masalah-masalah sosial politik di masyarakat dan negerinya, cakap berorganisasi, punya keterlibatan dalam aktivitas sosial dan politik kampus dan masyarakat. ADK Tawazun juga memiliki sifat disamping kedua hal diatas, dalam waktu yang sama adalah ADK yang memiliki kepakaran / kompetensi dalam ilmu pengetahuan (bidang studi spesialisasinya), bisa menulis, memiliki IPK yang diatas rata-rata dan track record akademis seperi karya tulis, penelitian dan seminar. Tentu, kalau kita lihat sosok ADK Tawazun diatas, ada pertanyaan yang menggelitik, “bisakah hal ini terjadi pada satu sosok?” Jawabnya harus optimis, “Bisa”. Karena manhaj dakwah kampus sebagai ijtihad jama’i dalam merepresentasikan syumulitaul Islam di kampus juga harus menampilkan kesempurnaan amal islami pula dalam dakwah kampus. Dakwah kampus tidak boleh sekuler, hanya mementingkan aspek kajian, halaqoh, hafalan qur’an, training akhwat sholihah, sementara urusan sosial politik kampus dan akademis menjadi persoalan yang tidak pernah dibahas. Dakwah kampus tidak boleh parsial yang hanya menitikberatkan pada satu sisi atau lini saja, tanpa memperdulikan lini lainnya. Permasalahannya adalah, bagaimana kita menampilkan ketiga lini dan profil ADK tawazun dalam dakwah kampus. Bisakah kita yang bergerak dalam LDK yang tergabung dalam Forum Silaturrahim Lembaga Dakwah Kampus FSLDK menjawab tantangan ini? LDK sebagaimana yang kita ketahui, adalah identik memang dengan sayap yang pertama dalam dakwah kampus yakni dakwiyyah harokiyyah. LDK adalah sarana kaderisasi SDM melalui aktivitas pembinaan dan kaderisasi islamiyah. Kajian, dauroh, mabit, taklim menjadi core utamanya. Puluhan, ratusan, bahkan ribuan ADK akan lahir dari rahim LDK. Nah, LDK pun juga tidak boleh melupakan kedua sayap lainnya dalam dakwah kampus, yakni sayap siyasi dan ilmi. Hanya saja, porsi LDK secara kelembagaan dalam menggarap kedua sayap tersebut tidak sebesar ketika mengeksekusi sayap pertama. Bagaimana caranya? Dalam makalah ini, yang kita bahas adalah bagaimana peran LDK dalam dakwah di lini akademis. Seperti yang kita ketahui, sesungguhnya masing-masing lini memiliki sarana dalam aktivitasnya yang dalam bahasanya mahasiswa dan dunia kemahasiswaan disebut dengan organisasi kemahasiswaan (ormawa). Lini siyasi memiliki sarana BEM, Legislatif Mahasiswa, Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa (LPM). Sedangkan himpunan mahasiswa (HIMA) disebuah jurusan/ program studi, lembaga penelitian mahasiswa, Kelompok studi adalah contoh lembaga-lembaga yang menunjang lini akademis. Lalu, bisakah LDK menjadi lembaga yang berperan dalam dakwah di bidang akademis?

Misalkan bisakah LDK memiliki divisi / biro yang memiliki fungsi sebagai eksekutor bidang keilmuan? Jawaban atas pertanyaan diatas, tentu akan memakan waktu yang lama, tergantung dari kondisi kampus dan mahasiswanya. Bagi kampus yang sudah memiliki lembaga-lembaga keilmuan yang sudah settle, seperti HIMA/HMJ, Laboratorium mahasiswa, kelompok studi fakultas, maka ADK yang aktif dalam LDK cukup didorong untuk aktif di lembaga-lembaga tersebut untuk mengambil manfaat dalam meningkatkan kompetensi dan keilmuan mereka. Karena bagi LDK yang ada di sebuah kampus yang memiliki sekian jurusan dan fakultas, tentu susah apabila akan membentuk biro akademis yang menaungi seluruh bidang studi sesuai aneka fakultas dan jurusan dari seluruh ADK. Lalu, bagi kampus yang tidak memiliki lembaga-lembaga akademis dan keilmuan, walau ini jarang terjadi, karena sesuai dengan tri dharma perguruan tinggi, yang salah satunya adalah pendidikan dan penelitian, maka LDK bisa menginisasi dengan membentuk biro atau badan khusus yang menangani bidang akademis, yang nanti diharapkan bisa melahirkan aktivis yang akan membentuk lembaga-lembaga akademis. Dalam perkembangan dakwah kampus, kita juga mengenal dengan sarana lembaga
Dakwah fakultas/jurusan. LDF, begitu biasa disingkat, adalah Lembaga dakwah baik berupa Sie Kerohanian, Badan Dakwah Islam, atau takmir masjid fakultas yang berada dalam lingkup sebuah fakultas. Karena memiliki anggota yang hanya dari satu fakultas yang sama, maka ADK di LDF memiliki karakteristik yang sama. Misalkan suhu akademis yang sama, jadwal kuliah yang hampir sama, dan kultur mahasiswa yang hampir sama. LDF adalah jawaban atas sebuah problem dari LDK di sebuah kampus yang memiliki banyak fakultas atau jurusan/program studi yang biasanya tidak bisa menjangkau sasaran dakwah dengan aneka spesifikasi model mahasiswa dari berbagai bidang ini. Jika LDF-LDF atau LDJ-LDJ dalam sebuah kampus bisa-dan harus bersinergi dengan LDK –nya, tanpa ada overlap, maka kita akan melihat di kampus tersebut dakwah kampus akan berjalan sesuai dengan harapan dan idealita. LDF akan menggarap sisi-sisi akademis kader dengan mengadakan kegiatan akademis, seperti belajar bersama, tutorial, penelitian berbasis keilmuan, kajian islamisasi ilmu seperti Islam dan kedokteran dan LDF FK, Islam dan ekonomi di LDF FE, Islam dan politik di LDF FISIP. Sedangkan LDK cukup menjadi katalisator, penyedia sarana dan penghubung komunikasi antar LDF. Tentu dengan catatan, kegiatan dakwiyyah syiar keislaman juga harus dilakukan LDF di fakultas tersebut. Konsep sinergi inilah yang saya sebut dengan LDK berbasis Kompetensi, atau Dakwah Kampus berbasis Kompetensi. LDK dan LDF dibawah naungan LDK akan menjalankan fungsi dakwah akademis sesuai dengan spesifikasi dan kompetensinya dan mereka, LDK dan LDF juga terus dan terus akan menjalankan fungsi sebagai lembaga syiar, kajian dan taklim mahasiswa. Ini akan menjadi sebuah pemandangan indah dalam mozaik dan taman-taman amal Islami di kampus.
Bahkan LDK bisa juga mendirikan biro / badan khusus untuk memfasilitasi pertemuan seluruh biro akademis di semua LDF / LDJ dalam rangka melakukan syiar dakwah akademis bersama se kampus, misalkan dengan seruan meningkatkan ibadah dan belajar dalam menghadapi UTS dan UAS, tausiyah melalui surat dan sms terhadap ADK akan datangnya momen-momen akademis, serta bisa juga mengumpulkan ADK yang memiliki skill menonjol dalam riset / penelitian untuk melakukan penelitian bersama yang dikaitkan dengan moralitas, misalnya penelitian tentang dampak dan strategi penutupan lokalisasi di sebuah kota/ kabupaten yang dilakukan oleh perwakilan ADK di LDK dan LDF sebuah kampus, dan penelitian sejenis seperti penanggulangan narkoba, manajemen standar pengelolaan masjid kampus, dll. ADK yang sudah post LDK, atau telah selesai masa aktif dan kepengurusannya di LDK dan Lembaga-lembaga mahasiswa lainnya juga bisa didorong untuk aktif di dalam kegiatan akademis kompetetitif misalnya mendirikan LSM peduli IPTEK, seperti yang dilakukan oleh ADK, ADK Alumni dan ADK Dosen di ITS dengan mendirikan LSM Iptek, YPSDM Iptek, di Surabaya, yang bisa menjadi ladang untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan bahkan ladang kasbul ma’isyah. Lembaga dakwah kampus tingkat fakltas (LDF) dalam perkembangannya, juga didorong untuk memiliki ADK yang bisa dimasukkan ke lembaga-lembaga keilmuan di falultas dan jurusan/ program studi nya, seperti HIMA/ HMJ, kelompok studi fakultas dll. Prinsip utama dalam pemgelolaan lembaga-lembaga umum diatas adalah mengambil manfaat sebesar-besar untuk ADK, dan dakwah kampus, serta apabila diberi kesempatan untuk memimpin dan mengelolanya, ADK harus bisa melakukan itu dan bahkan secara berkelanjutan (sustainable). Bahasan menarik lainnya dalam dakwah kampus berbasis kompetensi adalah islamisasi sains. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, umat Islam memiliki romantika sejarah yang cemerlang dalam pengembangan, penemuan dan diversifikasi ilmu pengetahuan di abad VII -XV (abad pertengahan). Namun seiring dengan kemunduruan politik umat Islam di awal abad XV dengan munculnya kebangkitan kaum non muslim seperti nasrani dan yahudi saat zaman renaisance, perkembangan sains atau ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi umat Islam menjadi lambat laun mengalami kemunduran. Temuan-temuan ilmuwan muslim, buku, kitab, manuskrip dan ribuan rumus dan formula tak diketahui rimba belantara nya saat terjadi zaman yang oleh orang barat dikenal dengan renaisance itu. Dalam kurun abad berikutnya, sampai sekarang, perkembangan IPTEK di kalangan umat Islam menjadi mundur, sementara dalam waktu yang sama gelombang ilmuwan non muslim muncul di negeri barat dan timur dan bahkan menimbulkan pengaburan ilmu dari akar religi, sehingga tidak kita temukan lagi unsure memuji kebesaran Tuhan, unsur Islam, tauhid dll dalam diktat-diktat kuliah dan sekolah di zaman itu.

Terlebih lagi dengan perkembangan ilmu sosial yang rentan dengan deislamisasi seperti ekonomi yang sudah digeser oleh teori ekonomi kapitalis, politik yang digeser oleh semua teori politik dari barat, demikian pula psikologi, filsafat, sastra dan budaya. Hingga akhirnya, munculah arus besar kebangkitan ilmuwan muslim di abad 21 ini. Banyak mahasiswa dan ilmuwan muslim dari berbagai dunia ketiga berada dalam kampus dan dunia riset atau penelitian, walaupun secara kuantitas masih kalah, namun ada juga yang memiliki prestasi kelas regional dan internasional. Dakwah kampus yang memiliki puluhan ribu mahasiswa sebagai aset iron stock juga juga dituntut untuk melanjutkan kebangkitan ghiroh ilmuwan muslim ini. Termasuk didalamnya ada diskursus tentang, apakah kita perlu untuk melaksanakan islamisasi sains?

Kalau yang dimaksud islamisasi sains adalah menolak teori2 dari sarjana dan ilmuwan / teknokrat non muslim, maka saya tidak sepakat dengan hal itu. Karena tidak semua yang berasal dari sarjana atau ilmuwan muslim adalah dianggap sebagai kafir, thoghut dan tidak islami. Ambilah yang baik dari teori dan temuan-temuan itu, itulah spirit hikmah, yang harus diambil dari semua orang untuk kebaikan umat Islam dan dakwahnya. Namun, apabila ada teori atau temuan yang tidak islami atau bertentangan dengan norma Islam, maka dakwah kampus dan ilmuwan muslim harus menjawab tantangan ini dengan islamisasi sains. Meluruskan cabang-cabang ilmu yang membahayakan kelestarian din, dan norma-normanya di muka bumi ini.
LDK dan LDF dalam memandang islamisasi sains harus dalam kerangka spirit atau normatif dan aplikatif. Normatif dalam hal meluruskan pandangan yang salah dari pemikir dan ilmuwan non muslim akan teori dan temuan IPTEK yang bertentangan dengan norma Islam. Sedangkan aplikatif dalam hal, kita tidak boleh terlena dengan ketertinggalan IPTEK umat Islam lalu tidak mau menggunakan ilmu dan tekonologi dari non muslim, tapi manfaatkanlah dan pergunakan sejauh bisa menunjang dakwah dan agama ini.

1. Kesimpulan
Dakwah kampus yang bertujuan untuk menyebarkan risalah Islam di tengah kampus yang nota bene terdiri dari berbagai elemen diharapkan mampu menjadi contoh dalam segala hal. Untuk itu, diperlukan keseimbangan antara 3 lini dalam diri ADK. Ketiga lini itu adalah dakwah, akademik, dan politik. Ketiga aspek ini harus dimiliki oleh setiap Adk sehingga ia mampu diterima di berbagai kondisi di masyarakat.
Hal yang sangat disayangkan ketika ada ADK yang hanya fokus di salah satu bidang saja, sebut saja akademik dan mengesampingkan kedua bidang yang lain. Dapat kita prediksikan bahwa ADK seperti ini tidak akan mampu bertahan ketika perpolitikan sudah tidak dimengerti dan ibadah yang sudah jarang disertai tidak adanya kontribusi dalam dunia dakwah.
2. Saran
Untuk mewujudkan dakwah kampus yang professional dan bergengsi, setiap kader hendaknya seimbang dalam ketiga aspek penting dalam dakwah, yaitu dakwah, akademik, dan politik. Oleh karena itu, hal yang sangat kita harapkan adalah bahwa tidak ada lagi kader yang bingung ketika ditanyakan tentang ilmu fiqih, dan kader yang IP nya anjlok terus- menerus, dan kader yang takut berbicara tentang politik.

Personality Test

1. You are almost never late for your appointments
2. You like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job
3. You enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances
4. You feel involved when watching TV soaps
5. You are usually the first to react to a sudden event:
the telephone ringing or unexpected question
6. You are more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization
7. You tend to be unbiased even if this might endanger
your good relations with people
8. Strict observance of the established rules is likely to prevent a good outcome
9. It's difficult to get you excited
10. It is in your nature to assume responsibility
11. You often think about humankind and its destiny
12. You believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed
13. Objective criticism is always useful in any activity
14. You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate
about various options
15. You trust reason rather than feelings
16. You are inclined to rely more on improvisation
than on careful planning
17. You spend your leisure time actively socializing
with a group of people, attending parties, shopping, etc.
18. You usually plan your actions in advance
19. Your actions are frequently influenced by emotions
20. You are a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication
21. You know how to put every minute of your
time to good purpose
22. You readily help people while asking nothing in return
23. You often contemplate about the complexity of life
24. After prolonged socializing you feel you need
to get away and be alone
25. You often do jobs in a hurry
26. You easily see the general principle behind
specific occurrences
27. You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions
28. You find it difficult to speak loudly
29. You get bored if you have to read theoretical books
30. You tend to sympathize with other people
31. You value justice higher than mercy
32. You rapidly get involved in social life
at a new workplace
33. The more people with whom you speak, the better you feel
34. You tend to rely on your experience rather than
on theoretical alternatives
35. You like to keep a check on how things
are progressing
36. You easily empathize with the concerns of other people
37. Often you prefer to read a book than go to a party
38. You enjoy being at the center of events in which
other people are directly involved
39. You are more inclined to experiment than
to follow familiar approaches
40. You avoid being bound by obligations
41. You are strongly touched by the stories about people's troubles
42. Deadlines seem to you to be of relative, rather than absolute, importance
43. You prefer to isolate yourself from outside noises
44. It's essential for you to try things with your own hands
45. You think that almost everything can be analyzed
46. You do your best to complete a task on time
47. You take pleasure in putting things in order
48. You feel at ease in a crowd
49. You have good control over your desires and temptations
50. You easily understand new theoretical principles
51. The process of searching for solution is more
important to you than the solution itself
52. You usually place yourself nearer to the side
than in the center of the room
53. When solving a problem you would rather follow
a familiar approach than seek a new one
54. You try to stand firmly by your principles
55. A thirst for adventure is close to your heart
56. You prefer meeting in small groups to interaction
with lots of people
57. When considering a situation you pay more attention to
the current situation and less to a possible sequence of events
58. You consider the scientific approach to be the best
59. You find it difficult to talk about your feelings
60. You often spend time thinking of how things
could be improved
61. Your decisions are based more on the feelings
of a moment than on the careful planning
62. You prefer to spend your leisure time alone
or relaxing in a tranquil family atmosphere
63. You feel more comfortable sticking to
conventional ways
64. You are easily affected by strong emotions
65. You are always looking for opportunities
66. Your desk, workbench etc. is usually neat and orderly
67. As a rule, current preoccupations worry
you more than your future plans
68. You get pleasure from solitary walks
69. It is easy for you to communicate in social situations
70. You are consistent in your habits
71. You willingly involve yourself in matters
which engage your sympathies
72. You easily perceive various ways
in which events could develop


Kajian psikologi pendidikan telah melahirkan berbagai teori yang mendasari sistem pembelajaran. Kita mengenal adanya sejumlah teori dalam pembelajaran, seperti : teori classical conditioning, connectionism, operant conditioning, gestalt, teori daya, teori kognitiff dan teori-teori pembelajaran lainnya. Terlepas dari kontroversi yang menyertai kelemahan dari masing masing teori tersebut, pada kenyataannya teori-teori tersebut telah memberikan sumbangan yang signifikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Di samping itu, kajian psikologi pendidikan telah melahirkan pula sejumlah prinsip-prinsip yang melandasi kegiatan pembelajaran Nasution (Daeng Sudirwo,2002) mengetengahkan tiga belas prinsip dalam belajar, yakni :

1. Agar seorang benar-benar belajar, ia harus mempunyai suatu tujuan
2. Tujuan itu harus timbul dari atau berhubungan dengan kebutuhan hidupnya dan bukan karena dipaksakan oleh orang lain.
3. Orang itu harus bersedia mengalami bermacam-macam kesulitan dan berusaha dengan tekun untuk mencapai tujuan yang berharga baginya.
4. Belajar itu harus terbukti dari perubahan kelakuannya.
5. Selain tujuan pokok yang hendak dicapai, diperolehnya pula hasil sambilan.
6. Belajar lebih berhasil dengan jalan berbuat atau melakukan.
7. Seseorang belajar sebagai keseluruhan, tidak hanya aspek intelektual namun termasuk pula aspek emosional, sosial, etis dan sebagainya.
8. Seseorang memerlukan bantuan dan bimbingan dari orang lain.
9. Untuk belajar diperlukan insight. Apa yang dipelajari harus benar-benar dipahami. Belajar bukan sekedar menghafal fakta lepas secara verbalistis.
10. Disamping mengejar tujuan belajar yang sebenarnya, seseorang sering mengejar tujuan-tujuan lain.
11. Belajar lebih berhasil, apabila usaha itu memberi sukses yang menyenangkan.
12. Ulangan dan latihan perlu akan tetapi harus didahului oleh pemahaman.
13. Belajar hanya mungkin kalau ada kemauan dan hasrat untuk belajar.

Characteristics of Young Learners

Ada beberapa karakteristik anak di usia Sekolah Dasar yang perlu diketahui para guru, agar lebih mengetahui keadaan peserta didik khususnya ditingkat Sekolah Dasar. Sebagai guru harus dapat menerapkan metode pengajaran yang sesuai dengan keadaan siswanya maka sangatlah penting bagi seorang pendidik mengetahui karakteristik siswanya. Selain karakteristik yang perlu diperhatikan kebutuhan peserta didik. Adapun karakeristik dan kebutuhan peserta didik dibahas sebagai berikut:

Karakteristik pertama anak SD adalah senang bermain. Karakteristik ini menuntut guru SD untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan yang bermuatan permainan lebih – lebih untuk kelas rendah. Guru SD seyogyanya merancang model pembelajaran yang memungkinkan adanya unsur permainan di dalamnya. Guru hendaknya mengembangkan model pengajaran yang serius tapi santai. Penyusunan jadwal pelajaran hendaknya diselang saling antara mata pelajaran serius seperti IPA, Matematika, dengan pelajaran yang mengandung unsur permainan seperti pendidikan jasmani, atau Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan (SBK).

Karakteristik yang kedua adalah senang bergerak, orang dewasa dapat duduk berjam-jam, sedangkan anak SD dapat duduk dengan tenang paling lama sekitar 30 menit. Oleh karena itu, guru hendaknya merancang model pembelajaran yang memungkinkan anak berpindah atau bergerak. Menyuruh anak untuk duduk rapi untuk jangka waktu yang lama, dirasakan anak sebagai siksaan.

Karakteristik yang ketiga dari anak usia SD adalah anak senang bekerja dalam kelompok. Dari pergaulanya dengan kelompok sebaya, anak belajar aspek-aspek yang penting dalam proses sosialisasi, seperti: belajar memenuhi aturan-aturan kelompok, belajar setia kawan, belajar tidak tergantung pada diterimanya dilingkungan, belajar menerimanya tanggung jawab, belajar bersaing dengan orang lain secara sehat (sportif), mempelajarai olah raga dan membawa implikasi bahwa guru harus merancang model pembelajaran yang memungkinkan anak untuk bekerja atau belajar dalam kelompok, serta belajar keadilan dan demokrasi. Karakteristik ini membawa implikasi bahwa guru harus merancang model pembelajaran yang memungkinkan anak untuk bekerja atau belajar dalam kelompok. Guru dapat meminta siswa untuk membentuk kelompok kecil dengan anggota 3-4 orang untuk mempelajari atau menyelesaikan suatu tugas secara kelompok.

Karakteristik yang keempat anak SD adalah senang merasakan atau melakukan/memperagakan sesuatu secara langsung. Ditunjau dari teori perkembangan kognitif, anak SD memasuki tahap operasional konkret. Dari apa yang dipelajari di sekolah, ia belajar menghubungkan konsep-konsep baru dengan konsep-konsep lama. Berdasar pengalaman ini, siswa membentukkonsep-konsep tentang angka, ruang, waktu, fungsi-fungsi badan, pera jenis kelamin, moral, dan sebagainya. Bagi anak SD, penjelasan guru tentang materi pelajaran akan lebih dipahami jika anak melaksanakan sendiri, sama halnya dengan memberi contoh bagi orang dewasa. Dengan demikian guru hendaknya merancang model pembelajaran yang memungkinkan anak terlibat langsung dalam proses pembelajaran. Sebagai contoh anak akan lebih memahami tentang arah mata angina, dengan cara membawa anak langsung keluar kelas, kemudian menunjuk langsung setiap arah angina, bahkan dengan sedikit menjulurkan lidah akan diketahui secara persis dari arah mana angina saat itu bertiup.

Di samping memperhatikan karakteristik anak usia SD, implikasi pendidikan dapat juga bertolak dari kebutuhan peserta didik. Pemaknaan kebutuhan SD dapat diidentifikasi dari tugas-tugas perkembangannya. Tugas-tugas perkembangan adalah tugas-tugas yang muncul pada saat atau suatu periode tertentu dari kehidupan individu, yang jika berhasil akan menimbulkan rasa bahagia dan membawa arah keberhasilan dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas berikutnya, sementara kegagalan dalam melaksanakan tugas tersebut menimbulkan rasa tidak bahagia, ditolak oleh masyarakat dan kesulitan dalam menghadapi tugas-tugas berikutnya.

Tugas-tugas perkembangan yang bersumber dari kematangan fisik diantaranya adalah belajar berjalan, belajar melempar mengangkap dan menendang bola, belajar menerima jenis kelamin yang berbeda dengan dirinya,. Beberapa tugas pekembangan terutama bersumber dari kebudayaan seperti belajar membaca, menulis dan berhitung, belajar tanggung jawab sebagai warga negara. Sementara tugas-tugas perkembangan yang bersumber dari nilai-nlai kepribadian individu diantaranya memilih dan mempersiapkan untuk bekerja, memperoleh nilai filsafat dalam kehidupan.

Anak usia SD ditandai oleh tiga dorongan ke luar yang besar yaitu (1)kepercayaan anak untuk keluar rumah dan masuk dalam kelompok sebaya (2)kepercayaan anak memasuki dunia permainan dan kegiatan yang memperlukan keterampilan fisik, dan (3) kepercayaan mental untuk memasuki dunia konsep, logika, dan ligika dan simbolis dan komunikasi orang dewasa.

Dengan demikian pemahaman terhadap karakteristik peserta didik dan tugas-tugas perkembangan anak SD dapat dijadikan titik awal untuk menentukan tujuan pendidikan di SD, dan untuk menentukan waktu yang tepat dalam memberikan pendidikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan perkembangan anak itu sendiri.

Trik Sukses Hadapi UN maupun SNMPTN

Berikut sedikit tips yang bisa diterapkan sebelum menghadapi ujian

1. Persiapkan Mental. Maksudnya kita harus yakin dan optimis 100% bahwa kita bisa, kita mampu. Karena setelah saya mencari kesana kemari, jika kita sudah mengatakan “tidak bisa”, “susah” atau sejenisnya maka secara tidak sadar kita telah berkomunikasi dengan otak kita. Kita telah memerintahkan otak untuk tidak mengerti atau menuruti kehendak negatif kita.
2. Ikhtiar dan Maju. Maksudnya kita harus berusaha dan terus berusaha, tidak terhenti di titik keritis seperti hadirnya sang “malas”. Kita tidak boleh menunda untuk belajar atau menunda untuk mengerti karena menunda sama artinya dengan “gagal”, dan ikhtiar di sini maksudnya adalah kita mencari sebisa mungkin berita-berita seputar tes tersebut. Lalu setelah mendapatkan informasi kita tidak boleh menunda untuk memulai belajar (start actions).
3. Olahraga dan Makan. “huh, apa maksudnya?” mungkin yang satu sering saya jumpai bagi diri saya maupun teman-teman saya. Tanpa adanya kesehatan atau tubuh yang fit bagaimanapun juga kita pasti tidak akan bisa belajar dengan penuh konsentrasi dan efesiensi tinggi. Karena dengan olahraga dan makan yang teratur kita bisa hidup sehat dan belajar dengan maksimum.
4. Tinggalkan Hal-hal yang Tidak Perlu. Maksudnya kita harus mulai menambah porsi belajar kita dengan mengurangi hal-hal yang tdak perlu seperti menontin TV, Game, bahkan Pacaran.
5. Orang Tua dan Kerabat. Jika kita ingin benar-benar lulus, dekatilah orang tua kita mintalah kepada mereka restu dan doa dalam menghadapi tes-tes yang akan kita hadapi, karena doa orang tua terhadap anak itu benar2 ajaib, canggih, dan super. Untuk kerabat, sudah saatnya kita mendekati “mereka” yang sudah rajin, karena jelek-jeleknya kita akan tertular kebiasaan positif mereka.
6. Sikap. Ya! yang dimaksud sikap di sini adalah sikap kita, apakah kita serius atau tidak? yang terpenting dari semua tips ini kita melakukan semuanya secara berkala dan konsisten. Dengan cara seperti ini, kita sudah melangkah membangun mental juara kita.
7. Doa dan Tuhan. Sekeras apapun usaha kita jika tuhan tidak menghendaki, kita tidak akan pernah bisa. Jadi mulai saat ini marilah kita pebanyak doa dan ibadah kepada Tuhan kita, memohon agar kita diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran. Memohon agar kita senantiasa diberi kesehatan.

Itu adalah 7 tips jitu dalam menghadapi Tes UN, UMPTN, bahkan SNMPTN 2011, jika kita yakin kita pasti disa, kalau agan merasa belum puas, eh agan maksud saya kamu (keseringan di kaskus) bisa mendownload ebook “STRATEGI LULUS SNMPTN” di sini. >> Download; Setelah mendownloadnya saya yakin 100% kamu akan merasakan perubahan pola belajar dari sikap kamu.

10 Universitas Terfavorit di Indonesia

Dari 57 perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN) pada Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) 2010, sepuluh di antaranya merupakan pilihan favorit baik pada kelompok ilmu pengetahuan alam (IPA) dan ilmu pengetahuan sosial (IPS).

Ketua Pantia SNMPTN 2010 Herry Suhardiyanto saat dihubungi Kamis 15 Juli kemarin, membeberkan kepada okezone. Berikut rinciannya 10 PTN Terfavorit SNMPTN 2010 ;
10 Universitas Favorit Kelompok IPA :
1. Institut Teknologi bandung (ITB)
2. Universitas Indonesia (UI)
3. Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
4. Institut teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS)
5. Universitas Airlangga (Unair)
6. Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)
7. Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)
8. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)
9. Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad)
10. Universitas Diponegoro (Undip).

Feb 22, 2011

24 Antivirus Terbaik 2011

Perlindungan terhadap komputer dari serangan virus dapat dioptimalkan dengan menginstal software antivirus di komputer. Saat ini sangat banyak beredar software antivirus, ada produk antivirus yang berbayar maupun yang gratisan (freeware). Berikut ini adalah daftar antivirus terbaik 2011 di dunia versi Toptenreview, mungkin bisa menjadi bahan referensi untuk memilih antivirus yang akan digunakan di komputer anda.

1. BitDefender Antivirus
2. Kaspersky Anti-Virus
3. Webroot AntiVirus
4. Norton AntiVirus
5. ESET Nod32 Antivirus
6. AVG Anti-Virus
7. G DATA AntiVirus
8. Avira AntiVir
9. Vipre Antivirus
10. Trend Micro Titanium

11. Avast! Pro Antivirus
12. F-Secure Anti-Virus
13. eScan Anti-Virus
14. McAfee AntiVirus
15. ZoneAlarm Antivirus
16. TrustPort Antivirus
17. Lavasoft Ad-Aware
18. Panda Antivirus
19. CA AntiVirus Plus
20. CyberDefender Early Detection Center
21. ParetoLogic Anti-Virus PLUS
22. Norman Antivirus & Antispyware
23. ViRobot Desktop
24. F-Prot

Agak berbeda dengan versi yang dikeluarkan oleh PC Magazine, yang bisa dilihat disini Antivirus terbaik 2011

Kamus Gaul Bahasa Inggris
Berikut daftar singkatan (kamus) kata-kata “gaul” atau slank bahasa Inggris yang sering dipakai tidak saja dalam perbincangan di komentar blog, sms, milis, chat room tapi juga sering kita jumpai di email baik dari rekan yang memang biasa berbahasa Inggris maupun yang sehari-hari berbahasa Indonesia. Kata BTW, ASAP, CMIIW, AFAIK dan LOL mungkin sering Anda dengar dan pakai, tapi pernahkah Anda dengar kata WOMBAT?

Singkatnya, silahkan “dihafal” daftar kata “gaul” berikut atau simpan di notepad untuk referensi kalau sesekali diperlukan. Oh ya, singkatan-singkatan ini biasanya tidak dipakai dalam bahasa formal seperti posting di blog.

AFAIK = As Far As I Know = sepanjang yang saya tahu
ASAP= As Soon As Possible = sesegera mungkin
BTW = By The Way = oh ya?

CMIIW = Correct Me If I’m Wrong = benarkan bila saya salah
CP = Cross-Posting = posting double

LTNC = Long Time No See = lama tidak jumpa

FYI = For Your Information = sekadar info
HTH = Hope That Helped/Hope This Helps = semoga membantu
IAC = In Any Case = dalam situasi apapun
III= It Is Imposible = mustahil
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly = bila ingatan saya benar

IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion (rarely: In My Honest Opinion) = menurut pendapat saya
IMNSHO = In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words = dengan kata lain
ISO = In Search Of = sedang mencari

LOL = Laughs Out Loud = tertawa terbahak-bahak
LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off = tertawa ngakak

OIC = Oh, I See = gitu ya..
OMG = Oh, My God =
OTOH = On The Other Hand = Sebaliknya atau di sisi lain

OT = Off Topic = di luar topik
OOT = Out Of Topic = di luar topik

POV = Point Of View = pandangan / opini
PS = Post Scriptum; PostScript = di luar tulisan di atas (biasanya setelah tulisan email / artikel selesai).

ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing = tertawa ngakak
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off = tertawa ngakak

SOL = Sorry, One Liner – kalau pesan anda pendek, cantumkan ini.

SSIA = Subject Says It All = subjek sudah menjelaskan isi
TBE = To Be Expected = diharapkan
TBH = To Be Honest = sejujurnya
TWIMC = To Whom It May Concern = pada siapa saja yang berkepentingan
TBYB = Try Before You Buy = coba sebelum membeli

TMA = Take My Advice = ambil nasihat saya
TIMTOWTDI = There Is More Than One Way To Do It = banyak jalan
TINALO = This Is Not A Legal Opinion = bukan pandangan hukum
TINAR = This Is Not A Recommendation = bukan rekomendasi

TIA = Thanks In Advance = terima kasih sebelumnya
TFTT = Thanks For The Thought = terima kasih pendapatnya
TYVM = Thank You Very Much

VOOT = Very Out Of Topic = gak nyambung banget

WOMBAT = Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time = buang uang, pikiran dan waktu
WBS = Write Back Soon = saya balas segera suratnya
WRT = With Regard To; With Respect To = berkaitan dengan
WYGIWYPF = What You Get Is What You Pay For = apa yang kamu dapat itu sesuai yang kamu bayar
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get = yang kamu lihat yang akan kamu dapat

WTB = Want To Buy
WTS = Want To Sell
WTI = Want To Inform
WTA = Want To Ask

Kalau Anda belum pernah nyoba istilah di atas, silahkan dites di kolom komentar di bawah. Biar agak “gaul” dikit

Cara membuat Link Blogroll di Sidebar Blog

A. Fatih Syuhud

Cara Membuat bikin Link Blogroll di Blogger Blogspot dan WordPress gratis dan berbayar (self-hosted)

Sewaktu kita jalan-jalan ke blog orang lain atau dikenal dg istilah blogwalking, terkadang kita melihat blog yg isinya menarik dan ingin kita memasang link blog tsb di blog kita tapi tidak tahu caranya. Apabila Anda termasuk golongan ini, ikuti cara sederhana sebagai berikut. Catatan: tutorial ini khusus untuk / blogspot. Untuk cara buat link blogroll di atau self-hosted wordpress, lihat di sini:

Cara Pertama:

1. Login ke
2. Klik menu “Tata Letak” (Layouts) -> Tambah Gadget -> Daftar Link -> Isi Judul dan alamat URL blog yang akan dilink di tempat yang tersedia.
3. Klik Simpan. Selesai.

Cara Kedua:

1. Login ke
2. Klik menu “Tata Letak” (Design) -> Tambah Gadget -> HTML / JAVASCRIPT
3. Copy kode di bawah, masukkan ke kotak yang tersedia dan ganti alamat URL sesuai yang diinginkan:

4. Klik Simpan. Selesai.


1. Sign-in ke seperti biasa.
2. Klik menu TEMPLATE.
3. Di sebagian template blogger / blogspot biasanya sudah ada contoh link di sidebar seperti di bawah ini:

Apabila template yg Anda pilih kebetulan ada kode seperti di atas, maka Anda tinggal merubah isinya dg alamat URL blog lain yg ingin Anda link.

Akan tetapi apabila tidak ada, maka Anda tinggal meng-copy kode di atas dan taruh di sidebar dan isi dg alamat URL blog teman-teman Anda.

Tidak ada batasan berapa jumlah link yg ingin Anda masukkan, umumnya blog yg ingin dilink adalah blog yg isinya Anda sukai atau yg juga memasang link blog Anda yg dikenal dg link-exchange atau pertukaran link yg umum dikenal dalam dunia blog (blogosphere).

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