September, 2014

Fokus pada Impian, Setia pada Proses, Bayar harga di Awal_ __Untukmu; Ayah, Ibu__ 090111/san

Apr 1, 2014

welcome, warm april

Really fast, sooo fast. Just like the athletes run in marathon champion, no time for thinking something else. So do this day. It comes n goes. No one knows whether it will be ours tomorrow or not. (sigh)

Welcome, warm april. Wish this april will be better n valuable than yesterday. Many things that had not be catched in the past, wish me catch it now. Many things that had not be made happen in the past, wish me make it now. Many things that had not be realized in the past, wish me realize it now.

Even no one able to guarantee something will happen, but everyone has their own opportunity to do something best. Even no one able to get all their passions, but everyone has their time to get up for better life.

(laugh). When they see you arr in a maximum expectation, they laugh. Since they see you are in a huge action, they laugh. When they see you are in a very big belief, they laugh. Stop seeing them! Just flow, believe, action.

Realizing that days are full of something cruel, made of them. Yet, your life is yours. Not theirs. So why this face is wearing mask? 

totalchange, april02'14

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